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 ****( dylan )

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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

****( dylan )  - Page 4 Empty

  'Who cleaned all that mess up by the way, cause if me and Kate have to do we can't cause she isn't here and I ain't cleaning without her,' Hannes said.
  Dylan looked up from his work. 'Eh, I cleaned it. With a bit of Nicks help,' he answered. 'You two didn't have to clean it in the first place because I don't think that would work out pretty...' He smiled and then started to work again.
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

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Science/Culture: Science

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Dylan looked up from his work. 'Eh, I cleaned it. With a bit of Nicks help,' he answered. 'You two didn't have to clean it in the first place because I don't think that would work out pretty...' He smiled. Hannes nodded "true true..." he said as he grabbed his phone real quick to check on the bundesliga stats and to his relieve bayern was still number one, he wasn't able to follow it the past two weeks and was glad to be updated again
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

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  'True true...' Hannes said.
  Dylan said nothing in return and worked on his next class. Suddenly his phone rang, getting Dylan al shocked for a while because he is that kind of person. He took his phone out of his pocket and saw it was Jodie calling. He softly cursed under his breath at the realization he didn't even let Jodie know he was getting home late. All the things that had happened this day... He looked at Hannes for a moment. 'I have to get this, I'll be right back,' he said as he got up and answered his phone. 'Hey, Jodie! I am so sorry I didn't call you- ...Yeah of course...' He opened the door and his voice got more indistinct while walking further away from the classroom.
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

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Role: Student
Science/Culture: Science

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Hannes was just minding his own buisiness when suddenly a phone rang and he saw dylan grabbing it. He frowned as he just watched. 'I have to get this, I'll be right back,' he said as he got up and answered his phone. 'Hey, Jodie! I am so sorry I didn't call you- ...Yeah of course...' He opened the door and his voice got more indistinct while walking further away from the classroom. Hannes rolled his eyes as he grabbed his phone and read a bit of the Intire paragraph friedrich had written , ai. When he suddenly heard something ...he flinched immeadiatly as he looked up at something of his nightmares. A pidgeon...right there...it's flapping noice made him sick as he fell of his chair his eyes widened as he gasped for air while the bird was eating dylan's cookies. He crawled backwards real slow, tryiing to make as less sdounds as possible, trying not to cry when suddeny he bumbed into something, the iron closet in the ack of the classroom making a loud noice and at this the bird turned around and looked him in the eye. Hannes fkng screamed for his life. The bird was absolutely shook by his screamq and began flying through the classroom in panic, making posters fall, making books fall making one closet fall over when it suddenly bumped into the wall above hannes head, not that he noticed however he had already fainted when the bird spread it's wings smh smh smh...
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

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  He had lost the time while talking to Jodie, but that happens if you're in love, I guess. Suddenly he heard a loud scream, coming out of his classroom. He turned around in shock. He heard some things falling down and he was frozen still for a moment. Luckily Jodie helped him out of his frozen state.
  'Was that a scream?' she asked. 'Dylan, what's going on?'
  'Eehhh...' He shook his head and jogged towards the classroom. He opened the door and saw Hannes sitting with his back against the iron closet in the back. He didn't move and Dylan thought he might be passed out. He looked around for a short moment, noticing that posters, books and a closet had fallen down. The teacher turned to Hannes again and quickly walked over to him.
  'Oh God... Oh God, oh God, oh God,' he mumbled when Hannes was indeed passed out.
  'Dylan, tell me, is there something wrong?' he heard Jodie ask.
  'Ehm well... I might have a bit of a problem... Hannes passed out... Again...' Dylan bit his lip. Then he noticed a bird. It stood on a desk now. Dylan didn't know it had anything to do with Hannes fainting, so he didn't pay any attention to.
  'Well, lay him down!' Jodie said.
  'Ah yes, of course. Thanks.' Dylan held his phone between his shoulder and ear while laying Hannes down carefully. He hoped he would wake up soon. He stood up and walked to Hannes desk, grabbing his water bottle and returned back to the boy. Maybe he has to use it when he wakes up again. 'H-How long will it take for him to wake up?' Dylan nervously asked Jodie.
  'Depends. Just stay calm, Dylan. Nothing can hurt him, he just passed out, it's going to be alright.'
  'Okay...' Dylan responded, hoping the boy would wake up soon.
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

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Role: Student
Science/Culture: Science

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Hannes was just enjoying the moment out when suddenly life hit again, and forced him to open his eyes again. The german blinked to get used to the lighting before life hit again and the faded pain stung within seconds "Ah fuck man" he mumbled as he sat up a bit dizzy but that was it when suddenly the bired got in his field of vision "Oh my god" he said as his eyes widened juping up immeadiatly frozen in fear of the little bird
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

****( dylan )  - Page 4 Empty

  Dylan was waiting for Hannes to wake up, being calmed down by Jodie.
  'Ah fuck man,' Dylan suddenly heard the boy mumble.
  'Oh, thank God,' the teacher said while looking at him. Hannes sat up and Dylan wanted to help him but was stopped by the 'Oh my god' from Hannes. The boy jumped up immediately. Dylan sat back, a bit shocked by the sudden movement of the boy. 'Hannes, what's wrong?' he asked.
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

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Role: Student
Science/Culture: Science

****( dylan )  - Page 4 Empty

'Hannes, what's wrong?' he asked. But Hannes didn't take his scared gaze f the bird and just kept staring "That Thing is still here" he said voicecrack all over the place, flinching everytime the bird moved
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

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  'That Thing is still here,' Hannes said.
  Dylan noticed the voicecrack and how the boy flinched. He seemed to be looking at something too... Dylan followed his gaze and saw him looking at the bird. He then concluded he must have been afraid for birds. The teacher quickly stood up and walked over to the bird, trying to scare it off, hoping it would fly through the open window again. It didn't go excactly as planned though. The birds flew past him, to Hannes. 'Hannes, stay still!' he commanded the German as he walked over to him, trying his best to guide the bird in the direction of the window.
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Science

****( dylan )  - Page 4 Empty

The teacher quickly stood up and walked over to the bird, trying to scare it off, hoping it would fly through the open window again. It didn't go excactly as planned though. The birds flew past him, to Hannes. 'Hannes, stay still!' he commanded the German as he walked over to him, trying his best to guide the bird in the direction of the window. Hannes eyes widened as the bird flew towards him quickly trying to jump away from his mighty wings while trying to slap it away in case it got close causing him to hit dylan instead cause he is an idiot
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

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  Instead if staying still, Hannes jumped away and tried to slap it away, causing him to hit Dylan.
  'Ah, frick!' Dylan shouted as he felt the clap on his nose. It started to bleed soon after Hannes hit him. The teacher bent over in pain, grabbing his nose with his hands. He heard the faint questions of Jodie if everything was alright while he was trying to ease the pain. After a minute or so the most bleeding stopped and he stood up right again, trying to ignore the pain.
  'W-where's the bird?' he asked Hannes, his voice small because of the pain.
  'Dylan?' He heard Jodie ask.
  'Yeah yeah, everythings fine, Jodie. Don't worry... Just... Trying to catch a bird...'
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Science

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Hannes turned to the teacher "if i wasn't in trouble already" he mumbled softly before bringing his attention back to the bird that was sitting in front of the window. He sighted, time ti be a hero . And walked up to it, feeling all cool and shit while in reality he was just hyperventalting the closer he got to it, only to have it fly away to the desk again causing the german to almost scream. 'W-where's the bird?' he heard dylan ask. Hannes blinked and pointed at the desk..
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

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  Hannes pointed at the desk and Dylan saw the bird. He ignored the pain and walked over to his desk with a wide bend. He looked at Hannes and saw how scared the boy was. He didn't want to ask his help, but he had to. He couldn't do this on his own. 'Hannes,' he started. 'I need your help. Just, stand there,' he pointed to the place between the window and the wall on the other side of the room, 'and if the bird is flying, you need to wave with your arms or whatever, I don't care, so that it is driven to the window. Okay?' he commanded him. 'Don't hide or run, unless you are moving to the window so that the bird can fly through that. You think you can do that?' Dylan asked, just to be sure he could count on Hannes.
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Hannes Müller
Hannes Müller

Age : 23
Posts : 621
Coins : 551

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Science

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Hannes,' he started. 'I need your help. Just, stand there,' he pointed to the place between the window and the wall on the other side of the room, 'and if the bird is flying, you need to wave with your arms or whatever, I don't care, so that it is driven to the window. Okay?' he commanded him. 'Don't hide or run, unless you are moving to the window so that the bird can fly through that. You think you can do that?' Dylan asked. The boy stared at him for a couple of seconds before he nodded " oifcourse i can pff it just a bi-" he took a reaaalyyyy big breath " Bird, nothing special tsk" he rollded his eyes shivering from top to toe
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Dylan Collins
Too Normal For This School
Dylan Collins

Name : Cam
Age : 37
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Kate West & Alexis Benes
Posts : 633
Coins : 626

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  Hannes nodded. 'Of course I can pff it just a bi-' He took a really big breath. 'Bird, nothing special tsk.' He rolled his eyes.
  Dylan saw him shivering from top to toe, but he wouldn't ask Hannes again. So he nodded and walked to the bird, causing it to flew up. It flew to Hannes. 'Hannes, quickly! Lead him to the window!' Dylan shouted as he walked over to them, causing the bird to get stuck between Hannes and him so that it must fly through the window.
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