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 Singing songs nobody wrote &Nick

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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  Yes, she had skipped all of the classes mister de Jong gave. But she couldn't stand him at the moment. How did he even manage to fucking say that? I don't know fun? He doesn't know a shit about me and my past, that bastard.
  But in this moment, she doesn't want to be remembered about that. This moment, was for her and her only. And Cherie, ofcourse. She looked at the young squirrel with nothing than love in her eyes. She finally found a real friend. Like, all the animals were her friend but... Cherie was there always.
  Joli sighed happily. 'This is peace,' she said while looking at the sun.

  The acoustic guitar leaned easily against her chest. Her fingers gently stroke the strings, making calm tunes. Cherie was curled up into a bal on her lap. She wasn't asleep, just resting, listening to the soft sounds that Joli created with her beloved guitar.
  Softly she began to sing. Het voice gently mixing with the guitar. Joli had a lovely voice and she could play the guitar very well. Only she had to believe it.
  The girl didn't knew how long she sat there. She just sat there, with her guitar, Cherie on her lap, watching the sun slowly dissapear behind trees. She could not wish for more peace in that moment, forgetting al the bad things that happend in her life.
  Joli closed her eyes, all the way up in the moment. The warmth of the sun shone on her skin.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

The dutchman walked through the school halls, enjoying the feeling of orange light on his pale skin. Sometimes he stopped to talk with a student for a bit, but he mostly walked, wanting to go home, cause ot already was kind of light, stupid tests had kept him at the school for hours. He stepped out of the school, entering the schoolyard and looked at a few students who where playing football and a small field with goals they made out of there jackets. He puffed out his cheeks for a moment before he went down the stairs and began walking again, calmly, listening to the beautyful songs the birds above him where singing when he suddenly heard someone sing. The teacher followed the amazing voice and noticed joli, sitting under a tree, singing while playing the guitar. He smiled as he approached her from behind the tree "Hey, haven't seen you in a while" he said camly as he sat next to her, with enough space in between them ofcourse "skipping school is fun huh?" he said with a small grin on his face, his eyes calmer than usually...
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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  Her moment of peace was gone when she heard a voice behind her. 'Hey, haven't seen you in a while,' mister de Jong said calmly as he sat next to her. Cherie could feel Joli's tensed attidute so she held her head in the air, watching the scene.
  'Skipping school is fun huh?' he said with a small grin on his face, his eyes calm. Joli didn't knew what to say. She had skipped hís class because he was a dickhead, but when he sat next to her, she didn't knew what to say. A blush appeared on her face.
  Stupid anxiety.
  She noticed one little thing though. He wasn't high. Surprising...
  'I eh, yeah,' Joli finally managed to say. Her voice was barely audible. What anxiety can do to you... One moment you're screaming at your teacher and the other moment you can't even say a proper sentece.
  The girl turned her head around, looking at her guitar. She protectly shoved the guitar a little away from the man. Nobody can touch her guitar.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

'I eh, yeah,'  the girl said after being quiet for a moment. The teacher smiled as he began killing grass by pulling  it out of the ground. He sights "So...you got mad huh?" he asked as his grin faded and made place for a more serious face, all though his smile didn't dissapear, as always. He coould punish her..for skipping class...or go to the principle, DAMN HE WAS POWERFUL RIGHT NOW!. he could let her get expelled...he could give her detention..i mean..she skipped economics, P.e AND chemistry! he could ban her from the swimmingpool and sportfields since that was his place... nah...he wouldn't punish her...but the feeling that he could made him feel so awesome!
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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

     'So... You got mad huh?' the teacher asked.
  Joli looked slightly aside and smiled a little embarresed. She didn't have regrets of what she had done but in the moment she wasn't as brave as she want herself to look like.
  'Yeah...' was all she said.
  She remained silent after that for a while, waiting for the man next to her to speak, softly drumming on her guitar with her fingers. But he said nothing. After a couple minutes of silence it became to much for her. She turned around, scaring Cherie. The little squirrel gave a sharp 'gheek!' Joli turned around again and took Cherie in her hand. She faced the teacher again, her acoustic guitar protectively shoved behind her.
  'Why are you here, sir?' she asked. She tried as hard as she could to hide her anxiety. She almost succeeded.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

'Yeah...' was all she said. he nods as e continued killing grass with his mighty hands, that had little scars on each finger cause he somehow manages to always cut his fingers while checking essays...stupid papercuts. his work was so dangerous my god...what if i bleed to death? he thought as he looked away, his eyes widenend...first human to bleed to death thanks to papercuts...man that sounded awesome!. 'Why are you here, sir?' the girl asked, clearly uncomfortable. He narrowed his blue eyes, a small grin on his face "Well you see, teachers don't actually live in there classrooms ,
i know .. this must be shocking, but we actually have an home and a life!"
he clapped his hands, with the dumbest smile ever on his face "And my horse and bunnies need food, or else they die,
and that would be abuse "
the teacher explained ...
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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  'Well you see, teachers don't actually live in there classrooms, I know... This must be shocking, but we actually have a home and a life!' he clapped his hands and had one of the dumbest smiles on his face.
  'Are you sure you aren't high, sir?' Joli asked carefully. He didn't seem high when she first saw him, but she never saw hem not high. Maybe there isn't a difference. Yeah, that is logical...
  'And my horse and bunnies need food, or else they die, and that would be abuse,' he explained.
  Joli looked at him with new thoughts about him. Her brown eyes filled with respect and approving. He maybe was high all the time, he still feed his pets.
  The French girl nodded approvingly. 'That's good, sir.'
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

'That's good, sir.' The student said. Nick nods, he knew that that was good. He looked at her guitar for a moment but decided to not ask about it, because it would be a dumb question, and he was ... in fact...not dumb. Instead he opened his bag and took out a cigarette, as usual. The teacher looked around him for a second before he lit it. "You see, joli. I only said that you should have fun, i didn't say it would be easy" the dutchman said as he smoked " See, while you are playing the guitar,
you have fun right? that's what i meant. anxiety is real, and i don't deny that, but it's still a mental sickness, caused by the wrong thoughts, and you know what's cool about thoughts? with help, work and fun you can change them"
he said a small smile on his face ...
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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  The man opened his bag and pulled out a cigarette.
  Okay, now he is going to be high..
  He looked around for a second and than lit it. 'You see, Joli. I only said that you should have fun, I didn't say it would be easy,' the teacher said.
  She knew what he was talking about. The girl huffed and looked at the sun, building the wall between her and others again.
  'See, while you are playing the guitar, you have fun right? That's what I meant. Anxiety is real, and I don't deny that, but it's still a mental sickness, caused by the wrong thoughts, and you know what's cool about thoughts? With help, work and fun you can change them,' he said with a small smile on his face.
  Joli faced him again. He wasn't joking around, he was honest. And if she thought about it, he wás right.
  Ugh, how could I be so stupid?!
  She nodded slowly. He was right. But she didn't knew if this gets over ever again. She was damaged already, and in a horribly way. It was way worser than people knew.
  'Sir...' she begun, 'I... I think I owe you an apologize. I was... I don't know, blinded with rage or something, I...' Joli took a deep breath. 'I am sorry.'
  She turned away again en gently stroke Cherie. She watched the sun almost dissapear behind the trees. She thought back at that time, when she was still in France. It was an awful time, something she didn't want to think about. But know she does.
  Joli felt tears stinging behind her eyes. 'Fuck,' she muttered when she looked down, trying to hide her face from mister de Jong. She wiped her tears away fast, hoping he didn't saw anything.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

he waited for her reply, the smile didn't fade away. 'Sir...' she begun, 'I... I think I owe you an apologize. I was... I don't know, blinded with rage or something, I...' she took a deep breath. 'I am sorry.'. He frowned "You don't have to be" he said calmly "Everyone makes mistakes you know" he saw her wiping away her tears but decided to pretend like he didn't, wauw fried your an awfull mentor, he thought as a smirk appeared on his face, time to be better than fried again! just like old times!. "ey don't cry or at least don't pretend lik you don't i have eyes you know. This subject is hard to talk about i get that"

Not my thoughts on fried btw don't worry XD

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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  'You don't have to be,' he said calmly. 'Everyone makes mistakes you know.'
  Joli nodded. She appreciated his concern. Finally someone talked with her, except the animals...
  'Ey don't cry or at least don't pretend like you don't I have eyes you know. This subject is hard to talk about I get that.' he said.
  Fuck, he saw me! This is embarrassing as ever! She kept her head low. She tried to hold the tears but it came all out. The tears slowly made their way on her skin. Mister de Jong could clearly see them.
  'I'm sorry,' Joli said. Her voice was trembling and she was clearly embarrassed. Why must this happend now? In front of a fucking teacher! She moved Cherie away and pulled her knees to her chin. The young squirrel climbed on top of one of her knees and snuggled her snout into Joli's cheek. That made the girl even cry more, thinking about she never had someone, but she smiled through it.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

'I'm sorry,' nick frowned "Stop saying that, crying is okay, even the great me does it!" he looked around how should he cheer her up...hm..he used to cheer up his younger sister when he was younger...how...he looked up ...a tree...he could climb it! yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that sounded fun...and he wasn't a teascher now, school ended a hour ago..now he was nick...and nick would deffinately climb that god damn tree!. He jumped up and began to climb the big oak tree, the cigarette between his lips as he made it to the 6th branch. He looked down now for the final step..falling down..his sister used to laugh every time he "fell" out of a tree....maybe it would work now too. He grabbed a small branch which immideatly snapped and within seconds he was on the ground "Argh fuck it still hurts!" he yelled as he reached for his ancle and looked at joli ith again a dumb smile on his face...
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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  'Stop saying that, crying is okay, even the great me does it!' mister de Jong said. Joli wanted to say sorry again but withheld just in time.
  The teacher than stood up and begun to climb in the big oak tree she was sitting against. Joli looked up curiously.
  What is he doing?
  When he was way up in the tree he grabbed a small branch. It snapped immideatly. Mister de Jong fell on the ground.
  Joli stood up in seconds and fastend towards him, her memories forced back to the background.
  'Argh fuck it still hurts!' he yelled.
  'Sir, are you alright?' she exclaimed, little panick in her voice. But when she saw his dumb smile she stoped.
  You fucking...
  'You did that on purpose!' The girl didn't knew if she must find it funny or mean. He worried her for nothing! But a small smile appeared on her face when she decides he wasn't serious injured. She relaxed and sat down against the tree again, holding her guitar close to her.
  'Why did you do that?' Joli asked, looking at the teacher.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Nick de Jong
Flying High
Nick de Jong

Name : wut
Age : 34
Posts : 229
Coins : 222

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Science

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

'Sir, are you alright?' he heard her say, but he just smiled 'You did that on purpose!' nick laughed "No shit sherlock " . He was happy to see a small smile on her face as she sat down again. He sat up, still holding his ankle. 'Why did you do that?' joli asked. Nick frowned again "To make you laugh, i mean, if my teacher fell out of a tree, i would have laughed my ass of it kind of worries me that you didn't. Seeing a teacher fail is the funniest thing ever!" he looked around him seeing some kids laugh at him, but he just waved them off and looked at joli "See they are laughing too!" he laughed "See, having fun isn't that hard, even when you fall out of a tree you can have fun!"
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Joli Favre
Sad Animallover
Joli Favre

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 23
Other accounts : Kate West, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 361
Coins : 304

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

If animals could speak,

  'To make you laugh, I mean, if my teacher fell out of a tree, I would have laughed my ass of it kind of worries me that you didn't. Seeing a teacher fail is the funniest thing ever!' he explained.
  Joli had other thoughts. 'Hmm, I don't know, sir. I mean, it can be funny but... As long as they aren't hurt you know,' she said to him. 'Speaking of being hurt, are you sure your ankle is okay?'
  'See they are laughing too!' he laughed. Joli looked at the kids around them. 'See, having fun isn't that hard, even when you fall out of a tree you can have fun!'
  Joli smiled. 'Your fun is different than mine, sir. But I appreciate that you're trying,' she said. 'Altough it may not work,' she added but way softer than mister de Jong could hear. She hoped.
  She looked away, letting herself drown in her thoughts again.
mankind would weep.
Thank you Sarah!
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Singing songs nobody wrote  &Nick Empty

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Singing songs nobody wrote &Nick
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