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 When i was younger ( Kate)

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Emelie Leclair
Emelie Leclair

Name : bish
Posts : 26
Coins : 24

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

She opened the door to her classroom a deep sight as she realized that she could have been baking now but she had to take over that ginger's shift as warden. Emelie sighted as she sat down and looked around her. Her clasroom was well decorated, ofcourse, with pictures and paintings of her family and important historical figures. She grabbed her bag and took out a diary , diary number 357856 and wrote down ' 7 - 12 - the year 2017 ' and began writing ..waiting for kate to arrive
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Kate Finnegan
Kate Finnegan

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 24
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 908
Coins : 906

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

  She sighed deeply as she opened the door of the history classroom. She saw the old lady writing something down in a book as she entered the room. The girl walked over to her desk and sat down. That fucker of a dad of hers was sick so she had to sit out detention with her. Amazing. No eating. So no marshmallows.
  Kate looked at the teacher with a dull expression on her face. She was so not excited for this.
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Emelie Leclair
Emelie Leclair

Name : bish
Posts : 26
Coins : 24

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

Ah there she was the famous kate west. Emelie looked at her depressed face and blinked "honey you don't have anything to be depressed about back in the day people got torturched and killed for saying what they thought, ain't so bad as detention now is it?" she said a dumb smile on her face with a bit of a tease, did i say a bit? i meant a lot
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Kate Finnegan
Kate Finnegan

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 24
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 908
Coins : 906

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

  'Honey you don't have anything to be depressed about back in the day people got tortured and killed for saying what they thought, ain't so bad as detention now is it?' Emelie said with a dumb smile on her face and tease.
  Kate huffed and rolled her eyes. 'Miss, I'm not depressed. And it's not back in the day. It's the present.  I think you need to remind yourself that a little bit more huh.'
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Emelie Leclair
Emelie Leclair

Name : bish
Posts : 26
Coins : 24

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

Kate huffed and rolled her eyes. 'Miss, I'm not depressed. And it's not back in the day. It's the present. I think you need to remind yourself that a little bit more huh.' Emelie raised an eyebrow "Well, kate wets, nothing is wrong with knowing where you came from, let's take you as an example now shall we ,
let's see where all of that disrespectfull behavior comes from "
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Kate Finnegan
Kate Finnegan

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 24
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 908
Coins : 906

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

  Emelie raised an eyebrow. 'Well Kate West, nothing is wrong with knowing where you came from, let's take you as an example now shall we, let's see where all of that disrespectful behaviour comes from.'
  Kate raised her brow too. 'My disrespectful behaviour?' She chuckled. 'Well then you have to go to my dad I guess, giving he's the only living parent I have.'
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Emelie Leclair
Emelie Leclair

Name : bish
Posts : 26
Coins : 24

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

Kate raised her brow too. 'My disrespectful behaviour?' She chuckled. 'Well then you have to go to my dad I guess, giving he's the only living parent I have.'. Emelie blinked bitchyness shining through her "Well kate, you still have your mom's genes they don't die with her even though you clearly are missing out on a chromosone "
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Kate Finnegan
Kate Finnegan

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 24
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 908
Coins : 906

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

  Emelie blinked. 'Well Kate, you still have your mom's genes they don't die with her even though you clearly are missing out on a chromosone.'
  Kate frowned, not really knowing what the old lady meant. She never was good with the chromosone shit and it didn't care her at all, so why learning it? 'Well, I didn't knew my mom at all so I can't help you further with that,' she shrugged.
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Emelie Leclair
Emelie Leclair

Name : bish
Posts : 26
Coins : 24

Character sheet
Role: Teacher
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

'Well, I didn't knew my mom at all so I can't help you further with that,' she shrugged. Emelie smiled "Oh but i do, Ellie West, once married to ronan finnegan a good artist daughter Jack Smith, a brit and Lilian Morris from wales, do i need to go on?" she asked
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Kate Finnegan
Kate Finnegan

Name : Cam
Location : hell
Age : 24
Other accounts : Joli Favre, Alexis Benes & Dylan Collins
Posts : 908
Coins : 906

Character sheet
Role: Student
Science/Culture: Culture

When i was younger ( Kate) Empty

  The teacher smiled. 'Oh but I do, Ellie West, once married to Ronan Finnegan a good artist daughter Jack Smith, a Britt and Lilian Morris from Wales, do I need to go on?' she asked.
  Wales? Are you fucking kidding me?
  Kate smiled but it wasn't a nice smile. 'No, thank you.' She grabbed some books out of her bag, pretending to be doing homework while she was actually drawing.
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When i was younger ( Kate)
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